Originally Posted by Reba
She started off the year being bullied by some kids (but the school called it a conflict, not bullying).
Originally Posted by 22B
Major alarm bell. Pull her out of the school immediately.
Originally Posted by ultramarina
With all due respect, 22B, it sounds like the OP doesn't want to continue to homeschool, and schools and parents alike sometimes have a hard time distinguishing bullying from conflict.

Let me explain the dynamics of these situations. Often it happens that
Person B bullies and victimizes Person V.
Many organizations and individuals will then say (with no investigation to justify their claims),
"It's not one-sided victimization. It's two-sided conflict.",
or they'll ignore it, or they'll say
"It didn't happen." or "Person V is the true culprit."
They do this to evade responsibility for protecting the Victim V from Bully B. This encourages the bully and further promotes a culture of victimization.

My family been through this. We were terrorized by a (white collar) psychopath for years. (Read this http://www.amazon.com/Without-Conscience-Disturbing-World-Psychopaths/dp/1572304510 if you don't get it.) At one point the trauma of this almost killed my then pregnant wife. The organizations and individuals who said "It's not one-sided victimization. It's two-sided conflict.", certainly share responsibility for what happened to us.

Any time one-sided victimization is mischaracterized as two-sided conflict, major alarm bells should be set off. That was my point.