Originally Posted by blackcat
DS's Weschler score back when he was 3 was 106 and it went up to 133 for his GAI on the WISC 2.5 years later. So did he get more intelligent? Was it because he was so silly and uncooperative the first time? The lack of rapport? I mean, obviously one of the tests is incorrect.
Originally Posted by Loy58
WOW. That BIG difference to see in the SAME child. That does raise the concern of test accuracy/possible subjectivity.
Given the information provided, this may be an apples-and-oranges comparison, as different tests measure different components of intelligence and are scored differently. For example Hoagies' Gifted Education Page shares a chart of approximately same level of intelligence indicated by different scores on different tests. (link- http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/highly_profoundly.htm) As another resource for parent research, Davidson Database also has a number of articles on the uses of various tests. ETA: Pearson offers a PDF explaining FSIQ, GAI, VCI, PRI, CPI, WMI, PSI for WAIS-IV and WISC-IV, easily found by a web search.