Indigo, that article brings up some interesting issues. Since we haven't selected the tester, we have no idea whether she will have a rapport with DD. DD is NOT primarily a "people pleaser" like some good students. She marches to her own beat. Also, I think "easy questions" could generate a "silliness" in her, as in, "oh, now we are asking silly I will get silly (and carried away) and provide you sillier answers - what fun!" I do not know that the tester will be assuming she is working with HG+ kids, although I am sure at least some of them are probably extremely bright.

I do realize that each test is "only one test," and a "snapshot," but as a parent, it seems like quite a bit is riding on a single test with a "cut score." Particularly when she has "survived" so many other tests so far with "cut scores" (and scored well-above the cut-scores). Also, the next couple-few years of curriculum depend on all of this (and a child who is complaining of being bored) - that makes ME anxious (and I am trying not to let her sense that). DD has to have an "off-day" at some point, right? I just hope it is not on the day of the test. wink