DD8 is about to have a Wechsler-variety test, performed by the school psychologist, as a final step for her school's gifted program. She is a very extroverted and verbal kid, who might have a tendency towards being rather chatty (perhaps even off-topic ;)). She did well on the CogAT (99% Composite). Her MAP tests are >99% Reading, 99% Math. She has never taken an IQ test before, but needs >130 to get into the program.

Any advice on what, if anything, to tell her before she goes into testing? What do you tell your children about what they are going to be doing?

Also, gosh - I'm trying to take a deep breath here - I am so worried about her just having an off day. She has been such a trooper through all of this testing so far. Does anyone have any children with similar scores who had good results on a Wechsler-type test? It sounds like it is hard to really predict how she will do on this one test and I do feel as though she needs the extra challenge of the program.

Thank you for any thoughts or advice!

Last edited by Loy58; 11/15/13 11:53 AM. Reason: anonymity