The socialization of homeschooling isn't as concerning to me as having a dialogue with such a limited number of folks (e.g. a tired mom, a whiny brother, etc.). Instead of socialization, my concern would be peer group (same as my concern in normal school setting).

I'll explain. I always have taken my kids to museums and they've loved it. I've talked to them about the various topics and followed up with library books about those topics afterwards.

When my oldest DS went to 1st grade in a class for highly gifted, the class visited a museum we had frequented as a family. The kids were so animated, intensely discussing and demonstrating ideas, extrapolations--it was a whole new level beyond anything we'd ever done as a family. I think that was when I decided that the peer interaction was the #1 best thing, independent of the teachers or anything else. I still believe this. Unfortunately some classes don't have that synergy, but when you find one it's amazing.