Originally Posted by HappilyMom
So on the anxiety... my son has trouble with crowded environments like the playground (70 children!!) or the lunchroom or the end of school where he has to walk through a sea of adults to get to me (he's asked me to stand in a designated spot and I do). He also struggles with the line up by class before entering school in the morning. Any ideas about that?

Oh, this may be this is related to his vision. I do not have strabismis but I had very poor eyesight as a child and before I got glasses and then later when I refused to wear them for vanity reasons these types of situations were HUGELY anxiety producing for me because I could not see properly. Anyway - just remembering my own issues of past LOL. So my only thought on this is t hat the school could assign someone such as an an aid to help him with these specific situations. If your son would be okay with that. Basically the person would come at these times and help your son nicely. My school actually did this as a way to humiluiate my son but it can done in a supportive way. In our situation, my son walks slowly (particularly at the end of the day and with a school bag on his bag)... The pick-up line woman started yelling at him with a bullhorn in front of parents and peers things like, (with a BULLHORN mind you) "[DS's FULL NAME] MOVE YOUR LEGS!" and other such bellowing... When I told her that was unacceptable, they sent an aid to walk with him to the the car. My son and I actually were embarassed by this as all he needed was them to be patient (he really wasn't THAT slow, he just didn't run like the other kids) and he is self-conscious enough about having scribes, etc. so I put a stop to it. BUT I am sure if it is somehting you and your DS need and would be okay with, it shouldn't be much of a problem for the school to assign an aid at those times to help.

Last edited by Irena; 09/10/13 06:19 AM.