Someone asked why my husband does his testing this way...

Because he has 50 students and himself for each of his three periods...he can't possibly test all the ESE, 504 and esol students orally while trying to monitor 50 students. This way if they get any questions right he doesn't have to do them orally. Some students with accommodations do well and are happy with the Bs they get on the test and don't come in for the oral-he gives them the option.

He teaches drama. The PE coach has 100 students which is fine until someone gets hurt or there is a fight. The band teacher has like 60 in a beginning band class....he teaches percussion and they do something akin to stomp...using anything they can to beat the rhythm. I forget how many are in culinary arts class but it is ridiculous no one is going to have a chance to cook.

Last edited by Sweetie; 09/09/13 09:21 PM.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary