
My DS6, also in 1st, has a huge spread also with a GAI of 160 but psi in the lower 90s. We are working towards some accomodations but it will take time. He does not have ADHD or specific visual issues, but is anxious and has some issues with social skills (though not qualifying for the triad of ASD).

We are going to first work on the developmental coordination disorder, the rest may be fine with that addressed. A 504 I'm guessing. I've read DCD accomodations can include organizational and planning help. For example having a cubby on the end to give more space to them while they are putting on their coat etc, and ease in finding it quickly.

Today DS came home with a writing worksheet where the teacher had written half of each of the sentences. She either started or finished the sentence. I suddenly felt more hopeful about the year as this is before any meeting to talk about accomodations. Also today was the first day since the year started when his behavior was acceptable.

One accomodation I haven't seen in a list but which I have been thinking of asking for when the time comes is that he be allowed to use solely the first letter of his name at the top of each worksheet (they do lots of worksheets and by the time he's written his name some of the kids are done the whole sheet). I should have named him something shorter smile Tom would be a good short name, the m is maybe a bit tricky: some of DSs m's come out as n's or w's, it varies. Definitely not Sam. Bob?

One I see in all the lists that I will definitely ask for is larger ruled paper, in 1st they appear to be going to use something that seems too small for him.

Our OT is supposed to be sending a list to me, I'll share if anything useful sounding shows up.

I would love to hear is how it goes over asking for a cap on number of letters or words per day. Is that something routinely granted? DS has done more already since school started than I thought possible (and many tears involved)... I'm concerned the school will say well look he's able to complete the assigned work up until now, why should we reduce the volume? How do you quantify the degree of discouragement and find an acceptable level (because there is no way around it, whenever he looks at a piece of paper he feels discouraged)... How do you pick the right number of letters or words they should have to write? If I asked DS he would say zero. And I'm personally torn as I can see the benefit in practice despite DS's unhappiness with it.