Polarbear's suggestions are excellent. DS has those accommodations. I'll give the wording of some of them in our to help:

"Allow additional time to process retrieve information and to complete written tasks ...daily"

"Allow additional time (up to time and half) to complete written work"

"Provide side by side copying of information in lieu of copying from the board"

"allow oral response for math fact fluency"

"With each major assessment schedule extended time (up to time and a half), provide opportunities for breaks or movement, chunk tests and shorten into smaller segments, option for adapted tests (multiple choice, matching, chunking), use of a scribe for multiple written sentences, assignments/tests and allow oral responses." (this same accommodation is provided for "local assessments" as well)

And then the specific scribing accommodations as I posted earlier.

DS gets OT for 30 minutes a week. I just chatted with his teacher about getting him typing instruction during OT as well perhaps teaching him to write in script as that may actually be easier for him. She is getting him an Ipad for him to start using for math facts, etc. He also gets VT from/through the school. He does the VT privately with the school paying for it. The school agreed to pay for 20 sessions. It took me a year to actually get that and a bit of a battle. But we got it eventually - only 20 sessions but better than nothing.

I hope this helps and give you some ideas! There are also a bunch of accommodations in DS's IEP that were based on anxiety triggers and those would be different for your child probably. We still have these accommodations in there just in case but they are pretty much not needed now. Like I said earlier, and like Polarbear mentioned, the anxiety is often secondary to the struggles and disabilities not being accommodated. When DS is provided with his accommodations he has no anxiety problems.

Anyway, hope this helps!