We had no idea. Like all parents, we thought our daughter was smart.
it wasn't until she started reading (4 yrs. old) and comprehending what she was reading that I started to wonder. There isn't anything she can't read and comprehend. Her favorite book is the dictionary. What was more amazing to me is DD's memory. She's got the memory of an elephant!

From the time she wakes she's asking questions and reading books...there are books everywhere in our house! But, her asynchronous issues with emotions, sensitivity and perfectionism some days shine through quite strongly.

I nearly fell of the sofa when the Child Psychologist told us her score, specifically her verbal score of 148. While her FSIQ is 133, DD had difficulty understanding the importance of not talking during the timed portions, the psychologist thought her scores would be higher still under better circumstances. I was guessing in the 120's, but really had no idea. All of this is so very new to us, that we are just trying to understand who she is and what sort of educational environment might be best for her.
We mainly had the testing done (at the suggestion of her preschool teacher) so that the school see where she was at and maybe take us seriously!

What an interesting thread!