I am SOOO tempted to get DS5 (turned 5 today) tested! But I'm trying to wait till he starts Kindergarten next week and has some interest in reading. We know he's all around super sharp, very mathy kid but lacks any interest in reading / writing and I've had a suspicion he might have some issues in that area (dyslexia if I was to take a wild guess) so we're waiting to see what Kindergarten brings. I'm thinking he's got to be at least 130-135 but wouldn't be surprised if a tester came back with 145. If it comes in lower, fine with us. We KNOW he's very bright and nothing like other kids we know.
With DS3.5, we have no idea what to think and no idea how to test him. He's seriously 2E and while he acts like a little genius at home, he acts like a kid with IQ70 (and I might be overestimating) in public and in social situations. He might never (in the next 5 or 10 years) be willing and able to perform and I just don't see how they could test him. Unless there will be an IQ test that we can install on my Kindle, give it to him and pick it up in his room in the morning. He does not understand or ignores?) the most BASIC concepts in daily life, but seems to comprehend very complex problems. So, yeah, NO idea. If he didn't have 2E issues, I'd say 140-160 but the way he is, there's absolutely no way of telling and no chance he'll cooperate ... for now.