Originally Posted by DeHe
There is an article somewhere on Hoagies that I read when investigating what we saw with DS several years ago that says parents are actually very good predictors of giftedness but perhaps that is at the more extreme ranges rather than normal levels of gifted?

That one always bugs me, because the research the article talks about has parents fill out a specific questionaire that has questions that correlate to giftedness. Distinctly different than asking a parent how gifted their kid is.

We knew DS was gifted, but without a huge personal sample size of same age kids or rock solid benchmarks, there is really no way to know how far out there. Before his school started talking about the highly gifted program (which got me to find this site,) LoG wasn't really something I thought about beyond "a gifted program will get him the right material."

As to the IQ results, I was disappointed to find out that the psychologist was inexperienced with it (SB-V) and had some disdain for it. His testing was a bit below the qualifiers for the HG program, but there was a huge pattern of depressed scores(> -1SD) where vision is a key component (half the SB-V is non-verbal.)

But I'm still surprised at his achievement score >160 in math as I've always been more impressed with his language skills. And I'm still interested in getting the WISC done, the only good motivation for it being needing a higher IQ score to qualify for Epsilon Camp.