With DD10, I had no idea. I was blown away when we got the WISC results back. She is 2E, so maybe this masked some of it? Or maybe, and most likely, we have a very warped sense of 'normal'? In any event, when we met with the tester for the results she showed us a bell curve and asked us to show her where we thought our DD tested. I placed my finger somewhere around 110-120. She took my hand and slid it to the end of the bell curve and, four years later, we still shake our heads some days.

DS4 had his testing last week and we are still awaiting the results. I am inclined to believe that he will be at least MG simply because of his sister. I realize that I can't be trusted to guess! Watching the testing, he did so much better than I ever anticipated. There were parts where I actually felt sorry for him and his 4 year old attention span because they went on for so long that even I was getting bored. I guess we will find out in two weeks!

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery