DeeDee - part of the reason I think homeschooling might work is that I seem to recall moomin saying that they (and their Mom??) are the only two people that the child DOESN'T pull this stuff with and doesn't get away with it. I got the impression that with Moomin (and grandma?) that she can finally BE the child and let the adult BE the adult and function in a more normative way which has got to be a huge balm for her anxiety and provides a chance to actually GET the social instruction/experience she needs. It's also clear from the posts above that moomin is the one MOST likely to call her on her behaviour, push for the true cause of a the scenario and NOT tolerate it. The teachers and therapists seem to get that this is a one of a kind scenario and that they have no idea what to do. I just don't see how a bunch of people who have no idea how to deal with this have a better hope of shepherding this little girl to a point where she CAN "tolerate fools gladly" and can socialise normally. Clearly these skills must be developed but I am thinking that a combination of time out to reset and having a truly trusted adult in charge is the (least worst) solution (for right now).

Also I guess I come from a place where we KNOW that our DD has issues that we don't feel confident to deal with alone and yet again and again and again when we try to get professional help there just ISN'T any. We have a core group of professionals who we like, trust and respect, they are the best our city has to offer. They can see her problems are real but all basically agree that she's too high functioning for what they can offer and they are at a loss ("Yes she needs social skills training, but you MUST NOT put her into any of the social skills groups we have available, she will get nothing and might be harmed" "Yes she has a receptive language problem, but she's so perfect 1:1 this needs to be addressed in a group - oh but there isn't one"). Increasingly I am having to accept that I am the only expert on my child and I have to do the absolute best I can and "the best I can offer" generally does not involve the therapies or scenarios that one might naturally assume would be useful. And my child is not even REMOTELY PG. She's MG on a good day, not even that on a bad day...