My daughter did this off and on throughout kindergarten-- act aggressive to get sent to the principal's office, where she would draw and hobnob with other, mostly older, "maladaptives" (haha) who she started to really like. But I understood them having to send her out, like polarbear said, its about the safety and perception of safety and perception of punishment, to the kids being threatened and hit (in my daughter's case- she was hitting).I totally get that. Over time, it backfired because my daughter started noticing that her peers (the ones in her class) disliked her, were alienating her, because of her behaviors. She started to care, and that changed the way she acted (sometimes!). Even if your daughter has disdain for the kids in her class, she may not want to be identified as the kid who keeps getting kicked out for being out of control and bully-ish.