There are often things that are specifically banned - trading cards usually because of the trading issues. I think toys are strongly discouraged at my son's school because of loss, theft etc. You can take them in to show but then put them in your bag. Having said that my son took his new hotwheels cars to school after his birthday and lost 2. He didn't get a lot of sympathy.

I would, however expect the child to told to put it away rather than having it confiscated unless it was actually during class time (or it was happening regularly).

We never took toys to school as kids.

Oh and if you are able to stay home with your son could you get a stress (too stressed to attend school)note from your doctor
and keep him home for the rest of the year. Explain to the school the the situation is resulting in stress behavoirs and symptoms and you would like to work with to ensure that next year is better.

Last edited by puffin; 04/16/13 12:21 PM.