Yes , the pyschologist that we went to the last time , are also able to advocate for our child . We're about to have a meeting with the school this afternoon , and we think if nothing changed , we're going to have the pyschologist to come to the school and talk with them also .

And i surely hope he gets a better teacher next year , last year he had an awesome teacher , this teacher was 100% different than the current teacher . He never gets yelled at and his teacher was always reminds me that our DS is not a boy who will always gets 'green clip' every single day , there are kids that will follow rule to the T and will get green everyday , but ours isn't , and i should accept that . I remember that meeting with her .. but we didn't have a big problem like with the current school right now . My DS still wished he attended that previous school with the same teacher because of how good of the experience he had with that teacher . He's not the one who will do what is told if you're yelling at him , the more you yell the more he'll go against you .

Since school is only 1.5 months away from summer , i don't think we can do anything about the teacher . If we do decide to stay in this school i surely hope the principal will choose someone who can understand DS .. he's not someone who will just do everything that he's told without asking question . Like you said he needs to go to advanced class , a teacher who can stimulate him to keep his mind busy , and a teacher who he can respect . Not someone who yells at him on daily basis .