Originally Posted by BSM
We try to negotiate a time with him (e.g., 5 more minutes of video games then take a shower) and remind him of that time once or twice.

This solves it for my DS8. I'll say "15 more minutes then it's brush teeth (or whatever) time."

After the time elapses, he's usually (like, 90% of the time) totally fine. If we don't warn him, sometimes he's fine too, or sometimes I'll hear "you forgot to warn me!!" This usually occurs if there's a secondary reason, like he's tired, has a cold, etc. Then, depending what the issue is and the time involved, I'll either say "ok, five more minutes" or "sorry bud - sometimes in life you don't get a warning." Then he'll say "aw!!" and pretend pout, but comply.

(We use the timer on the stove, or one of those twisty egg timers, or the timer function on one of their iPods)

Last edited by CCN; 03/12/13 04:14 PM.