Originally Posted by BSM
Explosive child symptoms are what my 9yo son has. I've tried to apply collaborative problem solving (CPS) with him and the results are good so far, yet not totally satisfying. I have to give up some control that as a parent I feel like I should have.

OK... If he fits the book's profile, then your previous approach wasn't working. Given that, what control are you giving up? You can be in "control" and have escalating fights or you can be flexible and have a working family life... I know which we have chosen. We aren't using this system but have taken elements from this approach and the Nurtured Heart approach which a variety of people on this board really like. It has helped with our high anxiety, intense DS6. If you are getting results you like I wouldn't let societal expectations derail that. Hopefully, over time you will see more flexibility in you child and the tedious elements will lessen...

Good Luck,