Originally Posted by metis
I'm curious...was your son 2 standard deviations below what was age-appropriate on all tasks requiring fine motor skills? Or was it just writing? And was it always near age-appropriate? That's the difference between a child with a relative weakness and a disability.
I'm sorry if I've offended you. Until now you had said that your son's writing is now ahead of his age, but you hadn't said that he had ever been very behind, nor that he has been having therapy for years. That's why I was confused.

Mine had trouble with all fine motor skills, yes. As best I remember, couldn't do his own buttons or zips when he turned 4, could just about manage chunky ones when he turned 5. Could just about do his own socks if you insisted and didn't mind waiting. Don't know how behind he was as he was never formally evaluated, just supported. I wonder now whether we were too relaxed, but we and his teachers just assumed he'd get there eventually. He has had specialist help with handwriting, which has helped so much that he doesn't need it this year.

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