Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by ColinsMum
You've had some great advice, but I have the feeling that much of it is from people whose children have bigger challenges than yours. I want to ask: what's stopping you assuming it's just asynchronous development? You say at the start that his writing is ahead, although not as ahead as his other skills; so, while it's good to make sure he doesn't get held back unnecessarily, in what sense does he have a fine motor disability? I'm not understanding.

Cricket, metis mentioned other areas that were showing as fine motor delays (difficulty with buttons/zippers etc), and I think metis mentioned a low score on the Beery VMI - this is a visual motor integration test used by neuropsychologist that is impacted by fine motor challenges. It is possible to have DCD (fine motor disability) and still score ahead of average on the tests metis has mentioned and still be ahead of the game...
To be clear, this wasn't me you were addressing this to I believe. I, too, have a child with a dysgraphia & dyspraxia dx who is performing well above grade level and who is grade accelerated b/c she is HG+ and compensates well. When you look at how fast she performs in comparison to what she can do, though, there is a huge discrepancy that didn't work itself out over time on its own. Well, that and two OT exams have confirmed the diagnoses.