AG stands for Academically Gifted, and GT stands for Gifted and Talented. In our area we have a GT magnet school and an AG magnet school. The talented refers to performing arts amongst other things. The AG school has more funding available for gifted education and likely has more teachers certified in gifted education.
We attend the GT school. Even though this school has a G for gifted in its name, there are NO students who are subject accelerated or grade advanced that I know of (and I am fairly well connected within the school). The last time a child was grade advanced was 6 or 7 yrs ago. This is the first time anybody can remember that testing was requested for a Kindergarten student (or any). The teachers involved keep commenting how this is such a great learning opportunity for them since they have never dealth with this before (i.e. referral for testing and interpreting results). I am less than thrilled about this being a new experience for everybody.
This school does not have entry requirements, and should not be seen as a "school for the gifted" IMHO. It is a school with fun art electives, and those considered gifted in the lower grades have pull-out sessions once or twice a week for 45 minutes with the AG teacher.

Last edited by Johanna; 02/11/13 01:25 PM.