I can't tell you if I'd push for the grade skip - I think that depends so much on each individual child, their personality, and what you're comfortable with as a family later on down the line when it's time for middle school. I do think it's kind of silly if there's a bar on skipping up one grade based on performance two levels above current grade.. but that's just me... I'm not an educator! I can tell you that we didn't skip our ds but would have if it had been an option - when he was entering K. Years later, in middle school, I'm glad we didn't. For him - and this is just a sample of ONE - there was no right or easy answer, but he is much more comfy having age-peers in his grade and working in classes that challenge him (but aren't the most challenging he can take) - he's old enough now for him to give us that input himself. Elementary was beyond boring for him for a long time though...

There is one thing from your current set of testing that I would want a little more info on - the combination of a low score in picture concepts on the WPPSI and the low scores on timed tests. These *might* be related - I wonder if it might be indicating a vision challenge. There is NO WAY I would think any of those lower scores would be a reason not to skip, but whether or not you skip, I'd want to know a bit more about what was driving them just in case there's something you could do for your dd that would make that part of academics easier. I also know (from personal experience with my EG ds) that it's very easy for the tester to assume a low score on timed tests is due to "just working slowly" or "perfectionism" in HG+ kids when they are tested at a young age... when there could be something more going on (it happened to us).

Best wishes,
