Below are my DD5's IQ and Achievement Scores. We requested evaluation for a possible grade skip. It seems to me that the basic scores are adequate (98% or higher is the cutoff). The psychologist then followed with the Iowa test for 2 grade levels above current grade, and these look awful. Based on those test results she does not qualify for a grade skip. I am not sure what to think. She is clearly far ahead of her age peers, but needs to stay in the same class. What would you do: push for a grade skip anyway, or find other ways to challenge? Thanks for any advice you may have. Here are the scores:

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, third edition
Composite scores summary
Verbal 129 97%
Performance 127 96%
Processing Speed 122 93%
Full 130 98%

Verbal subtest
Information 15 95%
Vocabulary 13 84%
Word reasoning 16 98%

Performance subtest
Block Design 19 99.9%
Matric Reasoning 15 95%
Picture Concepts 9 37%

Processing Speed subtest
(Symbol Search) 15 95%
Coding 13 84%

Achievement, Woodcock Johnson III, Tests of Achievement (WJ III)
Reading Fluency 166 >99.9%
Passage Comprehension 147 >99.9%
Reading vocabulary 130 98
Reading comprehension 147 >99.9%

Calculation 137 99%
Math fluency 128 97%
Applied problems 137 99%
Broad Math 146 99.9%
Math calculation skills 137 99%
Quantitative Concepts 137 99%
Math Reasoning 145 99.9%

Written Language
Spelling 156 >99.9%
Writing Fluency 104 60%
Writing Samples 144 99.8%
Broad Written Language 145 99.9%
Written Expression 134 99%

Iowa Assessments, Complete Battery (achievement 2 yrs above current grade level)
Vocabulary 91%
Word Analysis 88%
Reading 67%
Reading Total 83%
Listening 42%
Language 83%
English Language Arts Total 82%
Extended English language total 80%
Math 35%
Computation 14%
Math Total 25%
Social Studies 36%
Science 8%

Last edited by Johanna; 02/04/13 10:34 AM.