Originally Posted by ultramarina
I feel confused--aren't there other kids at the magnet with needs similar to your DD?
That would be a big piece I'd want answered before making decisions re grade skipping for your dd. My grade skipped dd was very young for grade preskip and it was still the right choice so I wouldn't let that one piece be the deciding factor. However, I absolutely would want an Iowa Acceleration Scale filled out. My dd was still an excellent candidate for a skip even factoring her age in on the IAS so I know that age alone shouldn't rule a child out.

To be honest I don't know exactly how able my dd is (her one IQ test was administered by a grad student, dd was't wildly cooperative, her speed issues certainly depressed parts, and she had some very high spots in the 19+ area). I feel comfortable, though, in saying that her IQ scores and achievement since then pre and postskip indicate a child who is probably somewhat above the 99th percentile but probably not 99.9th. Skipping really did seem not only to be an acceptable choice for her but necessary for the reasons I mentioned earlier.

If your dd is in a magnet, though, where her IQ is fairly close to the other students' and her needs are still not getting met, I'd have a few questions:

Is it possible that they start out slow but will better meet her, and the other students', needs later?

Might her IQ scores be well off?

Are the entry requirements much lower than I am thinking?