Well, the School Psych just called and she said "why don't we do the whole WISC again and we'll specifically test for the underlying processing that indicate dyslexia and dysgraphia."
So that's good! Right?!?

She said he may not be able to get a "disability label" because he isn't below grade level in anything. But, as I explained, that is fine with me b/c I am not as interested in getting a "label" as much as I am interested in seeing what is going on. And she said since he already has an IEP they can incorporate supports through that even without a reading disability label. He already has a writing disbility label (hypotonia) and accommodations for his vision disorder in his IEP so it would be easy to add additional supports an remediation even without an additional disability label.

She also said that she would send out BASC behavioral assessements to measure executive functioning and organizational skills. Any thouhhts on that?

Any advice and insights welcome! The testing will be done after the holidays and spread out over several days so that he doesn't tire.

Last edited by marytheres; 12/11/12 07:57 AM.