Thank you all. The screening was done at my request. I had suspected dyslexia for awhile. (the school has never suspected dyslexia - or any of the other issues he has such as vision disorder and hypotonia) because he is super smart ... He is on grade level despite his disabilities because, I believe, he is so smart he is able to compensate. However, he basically had a breakdown last year and ended up with an "anxiety disorder" and my belief is that while he can compensate it is VERY taxing on him to have to compensate without support for hours on end every day. As a result, I have a pretty darn great IEP already (for vision, hypotonia, and anxiety) that I basically wrote and advocated for myself (with some help from the fabulous peaople here on this board). When was diagnosed with a vision disorder (convergence insufficiancy), reading became less laborous but still certain things have persisted and did not seem to get better even with his vision therapy. So I requested he be looked at for dyslexia. He actually reads on grade level (last year according tot the WAIS he was actually a year above grade level) but I can just tell somethign is wrong... it's hard to tease out whether it is vsiion or dyslexia. He is doing well in school this year because of the strong IEP and b/c am basically a major pain in the a$$ in making sure he is accomodated.

Anyway, the big thing is he writes everything backwards - he will right every single number backwards if left on his own. His letters as well as his numbers. There are other symtoms but that one is just sooooo severe - he wrote a calendatr for november and very single number from 1 to 30 was backwards - every one. except the number one LOL. He also reads was as saw and on as no, etc... That has improved with VT but is still happening. He still confsues b and d regularly. I could go and on.

I have advice for tutoring - a freind is actually a orton-gillingham tutor and has recommneded places in my area. But it is SO expensive. Does insurance cover this with a diagnosis?