Ohhhh thanks Geofizz. Good advice. I had emailed her back with a simple "glad he is progressing so well" beofre I read your post. Bummer maybe I should have waited and said what you said here about the ceiling etc. But i hate to "micromanage" her anymore than I already am... frown However, I have actually spoken with SpecEd Dir and school Psych seperately requesting testing for dyslexia. I sent in the doctor's eval which includes the results and interpretation of the Dyslexia Determination Test and his recommendations, one of which is to get a full dyslexia eval from a specialist. I did say to them that just because DS can read above grade level does not preclude his having dyslexia. I stated 'he needs to not be given behavioral assessments or achievements tests as we all know he is above-grade level, he needs to be given tests specially to test for dyslexia and dysgraphia. The fact that he can read does not mean he doesn't have dyslexia.' I mentioned that he is a 2e kid and that's why he does so well. So, School Psych did ask for the report and said she would look at the report and get back to me early this week. I expect to hear from her today.

Last edited by marytheres; 12/11/12 06:40 AM.