So the teacher did reading assessments on my DS. I think I have mentioned before that his reading has never been below grade level. But I still suspect dyslexia or dysgraphia. Of course, I have no expertise in this area so... Like I said earlier in this thread, he did score in the mildly dyslexic range on the Dyslexia Determination Test and we were advised by the vision therapist and doctor that he should be tested specifically for dyslexia by a specialist. However, the teacher wrote me a detailed email today with the results of some reading assessments she did on my DS. She said he started the year on an instructional level 6 which met the fall benchmark and his independent level was a 4. Now he is reading independently at a level 12. The benchmark for the end of January is to at least be a level 10-12 independent, so he has already met that goal. He apparently scored 99% on the level 12 assessment.
Regarding his written letters, he completed a writing task independently today(by choice) within an appropriate time frame, using a word bank on the board and some adult help with spelling comparable to his peers. Of the 142 letters produced, the only reversal was the letter g one time.

She said she does see frequent reversals of numbers and am implementing strategies to help him with this and she will consult with the OT regarding the number reversals. His math progress is on target to date.

Soooo, I am guessing it is not looking good for them testing him for dyslexia/dysgraphia, huh? I did send in the the results of the Dyslexia Determination Test with the doctor's interpretatiosn and recommendations (that he be tested) to the Special Ed Directio and School Psych. She hasn;t gotten back to me yet but she will soon I am sure.

SO what do you all think? Can I still push for testing based on the Dyslexia screening? Should I? Am I being neurotic?

Thanks for any thoughts or advice!