He has major problems with directionality and laterality... He is 7 and still has problems with knowing his left form his right... My three year old knows his left from right. Any kind of 3D manipulation he seems to have trouble with (does that make sense?). And he just guesses at b and d - seriously ... now he reads so well he can figure out many times from the rest of the word if it is suppose to be a b or d and go back and correct himself... it is so weird. His tracking isgreat since VT though - he went from below grade level to two grade level ahead on those type of evals. Interestingly ( or maybe not - I find it interesting) he scores super high on visual memory and visual attention tests.... so I guess that is good. His comprehension is high too.

Zen, he has never tried switching hands or closing the same eye as he writes with... I hate to encourage closing one eye becasue people with his vision disorder often turn one eye off and I don't want to further encourage that... But I could try it just to see what happens. I don't think I could get him to write with his left hand thouigh - he can barely write with his right hand due to the hypotonia ... well that isn't entirely true - he is doing well with OT, but I don't think he could write with his other hand well enough to tell us anything. But I could give it a try anyway.