Hi marytheres - I think that's a good plan to wait on the neuropsych testing until your ds has been through vision therapy smile I also think it sounds like you've done a great job advocating for your ds at school, and they are receptive - that's great!

Originally Posted by marytheres
However, last night I contacted the Sarah Barton website for info and she/it informed me that if my child attends a public school, I need to hire a "Certified Dyslexia Testing Specialist" to get a diagnose that the school will acknowledge... and I am not sure my neuropsych has that qualification so may have to just get him tested specifically for dyslexia by a Certified Dyslexia Testing Specialist.

I wouldn't take the word of a business re what the school district requires. I would ask your neuropsychologist if he/she knows what the school district requires, or I would call the school district SPED office and ask (if you can find a helpful person that you trust to give you a correct answer) or I would ask a local parent advocate if there is an advocate's group in your area. You absolutely want to have him tested by a provider that the school district will find credible, but the Barton business has a vested interest in convincing you to test with them.

When you do see the neuropsych, if there are indications of dyslexia, they will most likely refer you on for further reading testing and screening (that's been our experience - the neuropsych is where you look at the broad spectrum picture of what's up, then when you have a diagnosis you still need more testing etc specifically directed at the area of challenge. It wouldn't hurt to have a dyslexia screening prior to the neuropsych eval, but I would wait until you feel that you've seen the majority of gains you'll find through VT, and I also would ask your neuropsych what testing they do vs a dyslexia screen by a dyslexia tutoring service, and who they usually recommend for dyslexia screening and tutoring in your area.
