Yes. We've never been of a mindset that thinks that some things "can't" happen because DD is so young.

That very definitely is a bonus of having a 13yo who has already seen high school biology and health topics via school, too.

It also comes under the heading of advice/guidance that we feel she MUST have whether it is particularly welcome or not.

We've also made it clear that, just as in other realms, lying/sneaking/obfuscation is punishable in ways that other actions aren't. It's always better to tell us the truth sooner.

Thus far, DD seems to prefer me to her dad in this realm; I'm less judgmental and a better listener, I think. I'm also not trying to "control" her behavior so much as influence it with rationality. I know from experience that nothing else works with my DD.

He can't calmly listen while his instincts are screeching at him that this is his little girl and he needs to keep the world at bay.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.