I'm in the camp that agrees it makes sense to at least "try" to influence the personal lives/dating lives of our 13 year olds!

I think the advice above makes sense....the camp programs are a good idea to introduce your daughter to like-minded, similar-aged peers. But I have to say that for myself, as a teenage HG girl, I did not have crushes on boys based on whether they got my jokes and had the same interests and emotional maturity....hee hee hee.....it was really based on who I thought was cute, and often, athletic. Exuding confidence was key, also. The like-mindedness really didn't come into play until I was past 18. So I may be a case study of an HG not being perfectly mature at a young age :-)

I agree that there is an additional reason to pay attention if your daughter is young for her grade, because I think most parents would *prefer* their young teenage daughter not date significantly older boys (although the 2nd poster points out that of course it can work out just fine!). Obviously, your daughter will be exposed to more older boys than she would if she hadn't been skipped.

My kids are a tiny bit younger than yours, but I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that they date appropriately, whatever that means!!! Good luck....