Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Heeeee.... well, this was a lot longer ago than THAT. I was first married back in the late 80's.

In all fairness to the ex, the age difference wasn't the problem-- it ultimately didn't work out because he had no intention of ever growing up, which I sort of wish I'd realized before we got married. Plenty of disingenuous/naive behavior there to go around, though. His parents LOVED me-- because even at 18, I was a lot more responsible and mature than he was. KWIM? I think that my grandmother summed it up nicely when she pointed out why Spouse 2.0 was better for me than the beta version... "I always thought that {name} was such a nice boy. But he wasn't for you." (Bearing in mind that the person she was referring to had been 26 years old when we married).

When I got married at 26, I think I had the emotional age of about 15.

Now that I'm 38, I think I'm up to at least an emotional age of 22 or 23.

My cousin seems happy. I'm not sure how much older he is, but they have stayed married and have kids. I would have loved to have attended that wedding, but it was too far away at the time.