bzylzy--Heh... I should really get DD a mini version of that t-shirt. Maybe when she's a little older. Not sure I want to encourage it at present. wink I will admit that to some degree she comes by it honestly. I am also not one to go quietly, in many circumstances. However, I was not like this as a child. That is, I can remember having some similar thoughts, but I never spoke up about them. I wouldn't have dared.

NCmom, I think it can be a trait of gifted people, but it certainly does not seem to be true of all. DD does seem to fit very neatly into a certain "subtype" of gifted people. I kind of think someone should do a "Field Guide to Gifties" (you know--the visual-spatial, arty dreamer...the mathy builder...the exacting, driven, justice-focused type...obviously, some people fit into more than one category).