I want to ditto most of what Cricket2 said. Right down to the comment about her DH, who sounds identical to mine. He has been 'pursuing' an ADHD-inattentive diagnosis, since DD was identified, for the past two years.... in the procrastinating, inattentive way he approaches most things, in that he talks a lot about it but doesn't ever get around to it. He is DD9 in grown up form. I, too, think that he is an unidentified 2e. In my own case, I had never even heard of the term 'gifted' before DD was identified. I had to look it up. There were no gifted classes or programs in our area. It was an AHA! moment for me because a lot of my childhood made sense looking back and thinking I may have been gifted. I have no idea where I lie on the gifted spectrum... maybe MG? I work damn hard to achieve what I have and I have a very rewarding career that I love. I can meet any goal I set for myself, but I see this as reward for my hard work and not from any innate cognitive abilities.

I can't comment on any ASD traits, as none of us display them. For us, it has been the ADD and the giftedness. I can identify with the excitement of meeting another person that you can converse with. I recently became friendly with a mom who lives across the street. Her little boy is the same age as DS3.5 and after our first meeting it was very apparent that her DS is gifted and likely ASD. She had been identified as gifted as a child, too. I enjoy our conversations so very much. I don't have to watch what I say or which words I use. She gets me and it is an incredible relief to have a friend who finally does!!

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery