I'm "highly gifted", dysgraphic, an introvert, probably ADD, and tremendously uncoordinated. I scored 148 for Asperger's and 60 for NT, with the result "You are probably an Aspie." The only area where my scores were more NT than Asperger's was in social/communication, which is, in my opinion, a pretty important area to consider for a disorder whose primary symptom is deficits in social communication.

I would add that my son, who has a formal Asperger's diagnosis, is often blissfully unaware of his habitual movements or sounds, or that his behavior is a little odd, or that other people have a problem with any of his quirks, or that people may be getting bored or frustrated with him, and so would probably have answered in the negative for many areas where he should have chosen "often", had he taken this "assessment". I think Asperger's "diagnosis" by self-reporting of symptoms, particularly in the area of altered social behavior and interactions, is a staggeringly unreliable measure.