Originally Posted by Dbat
Hi, Mom2,
The American Life link is here http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/458/play-the-part
It's great that you 'get' your DS; he's very lucky to have a parent that does.

I do love that I 'get' my ds. smile

Okay, my ds and I both took this quiz. I could see where a few years ago I would have given more Aspie answers, but I came out fairly NT with only hints of Aspie thrown in. My son, however, almost balanced perfectly between NT and Aspie. LOL His 8 y/o reply was, "Well how's THAT supposed to help?" wink

My aspie score was 78/200. My NT score was 143/200.
My son's was 103/200. My son's NT was 107/200.

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply.


I'm going to go ahead and do a general reply now; my full screen reply won't work for some reaosn and I don't want to post oodles of replies. I do so much want to thank you all for replying. It helps me so much to have your perspective. I simply do not have people like myself around me and it's so difficult to not feel as if I'm the one with the issue.


Re: what Nautigal stated:

"Someone told me that if everyone had a problem with me, that the problem was me, but that didn't make any sense because I hadn't done anything wrong that I could see -- just pointing out the obvious and saying what I thought and what I knew. "

I came to that place a few years ago when I began to ask myself if I was overlooking some of my own issues. Surely I wouldn't be having such conflicts if all was well with my own self. So, I, for the first time ever, really began to make a real effort to watch my own actions and to not be confrontational in any way. (I disliked this, btw, because I felt like I was being fake. Ack!) Still, nothing really changed, and if anything, I felt worse about it all because I was giving up a part of myself by doing this. So, I'm presently back at a place where I'm just shrugging my shoulders and doing a mid-life review.

Re: Cricket2's post:

Thank you so much for taking the time to pick out the individual parts of my post; this truly helped me very much. It's as if you were inside my own mind, thinking as I do, when responding.

I esp. appreciate the comment on not getting both of your children, though you dearly love them both; that helps, too.


Again, thanks to ALL of you who gave your input. I cannot tell you how very refreshing it was to read about your own experiences and thoughts; they mirrored my own.