What is an average child? If my children are any indication then there arent. My 6 year old girl loves math, numbers make sense to her in a way they never made sense to me. My 5 year old girl learned to read from her older sister. My 3 year old learned his alphebet from me singing to him as a baby. (My only child that waited till he was 2 to talk, everyone else talked early) My baby girl talks up a blue streak to me and a few others. I make jokes that if I didnt keep thier minds engaged they would destroy my house. The joke isnt far from the truth they would so its not bad. My family even throws fits that I homeschool, they think I put to much presure on my children. When in all reality my children are constently pushing me to teach them more. They wake up and ask when does school start. I will ask how they got thier children to do something that I can show them my children are having trouble with, either behaviorally or academically. If they can help you it doesnt seem as hard to be friends.

Last edited by trinaninaphoenix; 03/11/12 09:25 PM.