Originally Posted by ultramarina
To be honest, when asked if I was doing preschool at home, I would have said "Something like that," or "We do a lot of different stuff," or something similar. I don't talk about my kids' abilities to strangers or new acquaintances if I can help it at all, though sometimes they make themselves obvious anyway.

I agree.

This may be one of those golden rules things. What is the adult version of "what's her reading level?" Maybe "How much money does she make?" "Has she received promotions at work?" If your spouse or best friend was asked these questions about you by someone they met five minutes ago would you expect them to answer honestly? Would you be totally embarrassed if they talked about those private aspects of your work performance?

I would expect they'd probably say something vaguely positive and vague and change the subject. In the mom conversation for me it would go something like this "Yes, she loves to read" change the subject.

My other thought about these exchanges is that it is good to check in with yourself about your feelings. Is part of it that you are feeling defensive due to homeschooling or something else? If so, maybe try to process that and it may be easier to draw a firm line and not get drawn into it.