This is an interesting thread for me, I guess because I instinctively tend to avoid talking to other parents except in the most vague and general terms perhaps because I suspect this sort of thing would probably happen. I love ABQMoms approach and wish I had the social finesse to carry it off, but I know I could never be that adept in the moment. I think the thing to remember is that there really are a lot of "Dragon Parents" out there, so even to a benign observer if you discuss your kids' talents, it might seem that you are pushing them rather than trying to accommodate their interests. This is why I think it would be important to remember to mention/emphasize as in ABQMoms response that it is your *kid* doing the pushing, not you. If I had been pushing rather than following DD, she would probably be doing much more advanced math by now. But then, she might not *want* to do it either, like her older cousin who was pushed to do violin lessons for a number of years until he absolutely refused to do it any more. Very tricky.