Originally Posted by JonLaw
Of course it's a competition. Everybody wants to win!

Remember, each of us is in direct competition against the other 7 billion people on the planet.

Sure, I want my kids to "win" and attend good colleges etc. But educational achievement is NOT a zero-sum game. If everyone had the smarts to learn calculus and understand Spinoza, they would be more productive and the country would be richer. The Flynn effect (higher IQs over time when tests are not re-normed) has probably had this effect already.

If I post a resource online or mention one to a parent, I am helping the "competition", but my kid's chance of getting into XYZ does not really change. It may increase if others reciprocate and mention resources to me. It's more productive to learn from smart and knowledgeable people than to envy them.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell