I am thrilled to have a daughter as wonderful and gifted as she is. Daily, I feel blessed to be her Mother. But, oh what a lonely road it is!! Can't I just please... find one person... that doesn't care about what she can do... that doesn't see me giving the facts as a braggart? Or a bad parent? Ugh!

Today, my daughter had her first practice for baseball. Things started well. As all us Moms arrived we smiled and greeted each other. We stood in a group and chatted. But as I always dread... the conversation turned to the kids ages and grade in school and *big surprise* their abilities.

The Moms of the 5 year olds (like mine) talked about how their kids missed the cut offs date for school and how their kids were smart and ready for K already. One Mom, obviously proud, slipped in how her son was already reading early readers and such.

At times like this... I smile and keep my mouth shut.

But then, proud Mom, turns to me and asks if DD was going into K this year.

"Actually, she's home-schooled." I reply.

"Oh, are you doing preschool at home then?"

At this, I squirm, and say something along the lines of "Um, no she's a little ahead for her age."

"Oh, does she read already too?" she keeps on.

"yes, she loves to read" I answer... pointedly not saying what.

"What level does she read?" DANG IT... why does she have to ask?

So, I answer truthfully and then truthfully again when I'm pressed by another incredulous Mom as to what level she is on with Math and writing and such. They asked.. so I answered.

I guess I should have lied.

Because they stood there... staring. An uncomfortable silence ensued. I made some lame attempt at joking it off but when that didn't work.. used my younger daughter as an excuse to walk away.

Then, as I turned to go.. proud Mom looks at the other Moms and loudly announces that she "personally believed in letting her kids enjoy being kids."

So, for the rest of practice.. they closed ranks and I was excluded. Friendly smiles from me were not returned.

Again, I should have lied... or changed the subject.. or something.

OH, how lonely I feel!