Originally Posted by serenitynow
I am not even sure if the school will give me the results or even explain them - they seem to be so busy I can barely get anyone to return my phone calls!

You might want to find out if the school will accept private testing without their own testing - our school was willing to look at our private eval but still insisted on doing their own eval. I think before making a decision it's worth asking the school pscyhologist which IQ test she administers, and also verifying which tests are required and accepted with the gifted program coordinator (or whoever would be involved and know the answer). If you do have testing through the school they probably won't offer up the subtest scores etc, but you can absolutely request them and have to give them to you. What the school most likely won't give you is an in-depth analysis of what any observed scatter means, and the school psychologist will probably not explain what any of the subtests mean, so if you ever find yourself in a team meeting at school and want to emphasize a need based on a specific subtest score, you need to know for yourself how the subtest works and what the subtest results mean in the overall picture for your child.

You'll most likely get a much more thorough report and understanding of your child's scores from a private evaluator.
