So, along with working on sense of time, we've been working on ways to focus attention. (Seeing as perhaps my son has signs of ADHD/inattentive)

This past week, I bought my son a bow and arrow set as we are visiting my parents who live out in the country where you can practice in the backyard safely. IN just a few days my son has become a very accurate shooter; he even says that archery is more fun than computer games (for the moment anyhow). And he told me that he feels very peaceful when he is shooting and very focused!

One thing he learned from his current favorite novel (Ranger's Apprentive series) he said, was to visualize the flight of the arrow first, several times, before he lets it go -- he finds that improves his accuracy tremendously. Is this a form of mindfulness, do you think? Whatever it is seems like it must be beneficial!

So, I've been Googling around to see if kids with attention problems have had good luck with archery as a sport -- I'm not sure. I did happen upon this interesting article, which suggests the sports of archery, swimming and tennis for children who have attention difficulties.

THAT was very interesting to me, as we have just joined a pool this year that has a tennis court nearby, and surprisingly, my son has recently started (hyper) focusing on playing tennis when we go there, as well as setting himself goals of swimming more and more laps. It's as if his brain is trying to get him the stimulation it needs, somehow!