We just bought our DD9 an iPod touch, on which I set up the App "home routines" as a task manager for her. Interestingly enough it's fly lady inspired and I used to use it myself to keep track of my own life when I was so sleep deprived I could not remember anything on my own. DD has a list of everything she has to do each day of the week, particularly school mornings and afternoons, and checks each one off as she goes. She can see if she has all the stars she needs yet and she can see all her accomplishments for the day. She uses the timer a lot (ie 15 mins to get dressed and do hair, 20 mins for this homework task). She finds the iPod clock/timer much more useful than the egg tmer she used to use, it seems to give her a better sense of time past and remaining.

At the end of the first week she was ready for school 15 mins before we had to leave - 30 mins before she used to be ready, with all her jobs done and little hassling from me.

It's also self rewarding. If she gets ready in time she can play (educational) games on it and I can take it away too. I let her do math or spelling games anytime, non educational stuff is only if she has time after school or on a weekend.

It stays with me during the school day. Which is safer but I think she would do better at school organization using it.