Thanks Nik. Yes, you are exactly right -- sticking to this plan will be the challenge for me of course. Also working my younger child (who attends a different school with different start and stop times) and figuring out my own part time work schedule and all that will be a challenge.

The watch and other items I found links to on Dolin's website as suggested items she's found to be helpful. The watch is $60 though so I don't know if it's worth it.

I've read that people have been uswing this watch to help kids learn to focus their attention. You can set it to buzz every 5 minutes or so during some task, and the child is supposed to mark down on a sheet if she is attending the task when it buzzes or not.

Highlighter tape is here:

Oh -- another strategy that Dolin suggests and I agree with is for children who tend to daydream or are inattentive when their work gets challenging. She suggests placing a mirror on the top of the desk or table. The student takes a break form working, looks up, and sees his face in them mirror and somehow that makes him realize he has lost focus and he gets back to work. I actually remember having a mirror over my desk in middle school and using it for exactly thatr purpose, years ago -- so i think I may try this as well.