Funny, DH and I had a very similar conversation just this past weekend. We were attending a sporting event for DC, and arrived an hour early for set up. We looked around the gym, and virtually all the set up was being done by parents, while the children/participants were sitting in the stands watching. This is a sport that includes elementary through middle schoolers. There was no reason at all that these kids couldn't have helped.
So, DH and I got into a conversation about why this was, and we looked hard at our own lives. I am embarassed to tell you what we saw. Why are we cleaning the house, while DC are drawing/reading/playing? Answer: because it's easier to just do it ourselves, and because we haven't allowed the kids to learn the skills to do the jobs well/safely. (ouch!) Not that the kids don't have a few chores, but DH and I do most of the major housework.
Why does DS9 need our help with his in-class presentation preparation? Answer: He doesn't, but we seem to always feel the need to help and give advice. (ack!)
So, here is the direction I plan to give DS9 tonight about his upcoming in-class presentation. "You will be doing the rest of your project on your own. If there's something you don't know how to do (e.g., enlarging the diagrams from his source book on our not-so-friendly printer), let us know and we'll show you how. I do not plan to buy another display board, so be sure that you are careful with this one. If you need additional supplies, give Dad/I at least a few days' notice. We will not rush out to the store at the last minute for something. I suggest you get started early enough so that if you have questions, you will be able to ask your teacher about them."
We see that we are part of this global problem. I'm hoping this is a turning point in our lives. Anyone else guilty of this around here? Or is it just us?