JaneSmith, I actually agree with you about today's 16 yo's. That is what is frightening to me: when I realize I may be contributing to my two DC becoming part of what upsets me about today's youth.

When I think that my grandfather and uncle came to the US when my grandfather was 17, to live in Chicago with friends of the family. He spoke no English and had never seen snow. He got a job in the stockyards, took English classes at night, and sent money to support his family in Mexico until he and his brother raised enough for them to move here. AT 17!!!!

Certainly, the world has changed a lot since then. It feels irresponsible to let my kids walk home unobserved from the bus stop, which is probably 500 yards from my house. Would I let them walk to the store alone like my mom let me and my sister when we were their age? No way!

But, at least for me, I am realizing I have a LOT to improve on in the way of being less controlling and allowing them to have more independence. For me, this thread has been enlightening.