yes, when my DD has her meltdowns or her "over-reactions" they are just as extreme, but a majority of the time she appears very happy: sing-songy skipping happy. It is funny but I have said to my DH something about needing her to "sober up" for a moment (obviously joking since she is four).

My DD does not struggle with social interaction on the surface--she smiles and greets people and that sort of thing--but has come on too strong, been a "space invader," talked too loud, and tried to push her ideas on others.

There are a few things that quiet and settle my DD a bit: drawing and Playdough. She makes things from Playdough on a daily basis. Of course she often makes characters that then act out the scenarios that can drive me bonkers, but it does seem to settle her (back to the sensory issues).

I know exactly what it is like to be with a child who is just running on HIGH all the time. There are days it literally overwhelms MY senses. I have a feeling you know what I mean.